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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

latest "threat"

DBlank has sent you a link to a blog: I operate on my own schedule, never being foolishly quick, nor operating without careful surveillance of my targets first. I am the most dangerous opponent you have ever had. Remember that. Blog: accounts of the Kosher Ham Post: 80 plus frgred post in day Link: --Powered by Blogger

we have seen your observation skills you can't see the nose in front of your face and reconize it for it is.

my most dangerous oppenent in the Ham world)was Robeson followed by woger either might have followed up on thiere threats. in the real none of you come close to beigthe worse I havefaced and destoryed , yes physicaly killed. You are an amateur at making threats and are the type never to come up from behind the shdows till you do you are no possible harm obeson woger and yourself have already pretty well incoulated me against anything you can achiive on the offical levels. Ihave faced down worse

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