for the hopefully more uplifting musing of KB9RQZ please visit

other blog that exist to some specail topics are
Hf and the Kosher ham the techical blog the repeater project
VHF stuff and general stuff I may be working on

Saturday, May 30, 2009

still on the arest watch

has tood been arrested yet?

not blloody likely

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

you know if..........

I had not received literaly tens of thousands of these I might be worried

OTOH stil the flaw is LS can't "shitcan" My license without cause and according to her I can'r be punsihed by her for what I write in my blog and On the net

but truly the whole is good for laughes at this point

I do hear the CCRAA is having trouble since merely throwing me out of the club was not enough to satisfy the likes of Crow

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Brian has sent you a link to a blog:

Now that Laura Smith is on our side, it won't be long until your license is shitcanned. First the CCRAA, next your license.

Blog: accounts of the Kosher Ham
Post: another update on the arrest watch

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wasthinking about Charlie the other monement

one of his family (was Paty Krimwinkle?) screamed something like "your whole system is a game you blind stupid people" some how these word came back to me watch Obama and the congress

Monday, May 25, 2009

well the problem is fixed temporly and new parts ordered

missing are the chokes that let me use my ham and the net at the same time, hughes net is ending a new set.

I used duck tape to replace the missing zip ties till I go into to town for some more

total cost about a buck with tax

another pic

when it makes it through the damed interface who knows

poromised pics one by one

given the size f photos etc using emaioil utillities to post through the damged link so when these arrive no one knows

nice way to celebrate Memorial day with more voilence again me

well tried my browsing did not notice at first my pc had switched in and was using its back up dailup conection happened to sit down while the PC was dl mailing and thus no real delay except the browsing was slow . May be able to fix the sabotage willfolow up later with pictures when I have the BB back upm but removing cabe conections is a an effective way of disabling the sytem will not start repair till the cops show up and see it like the sabotage of a few weeks ago

Sunday, May 24, 2009

yes w4nti seems to be dead

his webstite is down pity his blog is not but it is a minor anoyance now

puty he has spent his days and nights on hate

Saturday, May 23, 2009

well tood has spoken

his post here

nice quote of intent to qrm but again if Karolis nuts that does not make him a criminal
I honestlty think LS is desperately trying to ignore the mess and keep it off the desk of her higher ups

honewstly I don't think LS is working with anyone which is alomst more of the shame

I don't think the is listening much to anyone again more the pity

the fcc do not care about any crime comitted it seems

well Karol is slightly inferior in his status to complain to the FCC but that is nick picking

the harrassment (todd is right there) but the FCC and FBI simply don't care about the interest of the public these days very sad really

I do wish Todd were a bit less harsh in his langauage

todd could use an editor or director to keep him on track

one of those near random thoughts..

was watching a Tv comercail about cathiters and medicare and I wonder how is anyone going to be embarrashed anyomore caths viagara and the rest

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

litteraly kosher spam enjoy the laugh

The amazing segulah (talisman) of chai roitel mashka has proven itself over and over again. Hundreds of people – singles searching for their bashert, the infertile yearning for a child, the sick hoping for a cure – have found salvation after they contributed chai roitel mashka at the burial place of Rabbi Shimon
bar Yichai on Lag Baomer, the day of his passing.

Chai Roitel Mashka is a specific amount of liquid (refreshing spring water, in our case) that is offered throughout the day to thousands of visitors who
flock to Miron. The segulah has been written about in various seforim. The Kedushas Zion, Rav Benzion Halberstam of Bobov, encouraged his constituents to give chai roitel, assuring them that they would benefit tremendously.

So many miraculous events have been ascribed to the chai roitel segulah. Contribute chai roitel mashka this lag baomer… Perhaps your miracle will be next!

Follow this link to see the Miron - Chai Rottel video: Click here

Donate Chai Rottel now click here.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

and now to explain

wel our friends at nimbusters are claim posting a picture of a gun on the net is now a crime

we all know better

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

in his post of the other day Todd posted a couple of pics of himself and a gun, to show what awaited the stalking assholes that stalk him and myself

since then we have had such laughs about it I thought Id join.

here is a sample of what is is waitng for you if you decide to taking your stalking to an upclose and personal level personal level

more to come stay tuned to this blog same bat time same bat blog

iof you find this mere picture threatening then prehaps you should call the sheriffs office 906-482-0055

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

and still more fun and games

in his post of the other day Todd posted a couple of pics of himself and a gun, to show what awaited the stalking assholes that stalk him and myself

since then we have had such laughs about it I thought Id join.

here is a sample of what is is waitng for you if you decide to taking your stalking to an upclose and personal level personal level

more to come stay tuned to this blog same bat time same bat blog

iof you find this mere picture threatening then prehaps you should call the sheriffs office 906-482-0055

Monday, May 4, 2009

an yet more fun

in his post of the other day Todd posted a couple of pics of himself and a gun, to show what awaited the stalking assholes that stalk him and myself

since then we have had such laughs about it I thought Id join.

here is a sample of what is is waitng for you if you decide to taking your stalking to an upclose and personal level personal level

more to come stay tuned to this blog same bat time same bat blog

iof you find this mere picture threatening then prehaps you should call the sheriffs office 906-482-0055

Sunday, May 3, 2009

why should todd have all the fun

in his post of the other day Todd posted a couple of pics of himself and a gun, to show what awaited the stalking assholes that stalk him and myself

since then we have had such laughs about it I thought Id join.

here is a sample of what is is waitng for you if you decide to taking your stalking to an upclose and personal level personal level

more to come stay tuned to this blog same bat time same bat blog

iof you find this mere picture threatening then prehaps you should call the sheriffs office 906-482-0055

Friday, May 1, 2009

realy good for a laugh

form one's of Todd blog

a couple of pics of Todd with a gun and the first coment
This blog has been mirrored and then reported to both the Taylorville authorities and to the FCC. Thanks for providing the evidence necessary to take you off the streets. You should be locked up for the safety of law abiding citizens everywhere.

this blog will now be reporting the days it takes to get Todd arrested for this promised to be removed

this blogger expects the count may run into not merely the hunderds but the 10 thousands for I don't expect to keep it up daily but do stay tuned for updates.

after nothing ilegal about the posting. I thought todd might have been stepping oevr the line in legal matters by stating an offer t kill k3vr for money but that would seem to be an mistaken I foyu feel any need do accept my apology