for the hopefully more uplifting musing of KB9RQZ please visit

other blog that exist to some specail topics are
Hf and the Kosher ham the techical blog the repeater project
VHF stuff and general stuff I may be working on

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

well an anual Milestone for the kosher ham

4 more cords of wood arrived today 2 are stacked bring the stacked total to 6 which more than I normaly burn in year


I wonder what happened to the "peittion" drive against me

it does make me laugh to thinnk there are people that still think in 21st century america that I am going to lose a ham radio license basicaly for being outof the closet as a bi sexaul

Thursday, September 20, 2007

well tomarrown leaving for Yom Kippur

and will be back on sunday sometime then

remeber that the day of atonments attones for sins against god alone but must be combined with reparation to the target of sins aginst your fellow man

Monday, September 17, 2007

well a romantic monemt out of an error

here is a picture of the place where my wife had a quick meal together the first day we met in Blommington Normal I ended mised the exit for I-39N aiming for home, and to recover circled around a bit in the city and suegeted we stop and relive an old memory

well there are couple of shot from the hamfest was fun to watch my wfe at the hamfest and aquired a new al 811 amp which should improve my sginnal a bit and hopefully my results

well Rosh Hannaah

well I was disapointed that Chicago constrution was so horible we missed the evening service al together but we made the morning services

was funn to see everybody and find ou t just how much we have been missed there

was interestignt to be interviewed by a reporter for the decatur paper and be mentioned by name in the story they ran on Fri, the reporter did boole some of the details but oh well they always do

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

we are off(almost)

well folks this mayhe last entry tillI satrt of hamfest specail on sun or Monday

It apear at themonet of this writting wehave passed trhough 9/11 again without serious incident something I prey continues

Shonatova everyone (happy jewish new year

Thursday, September 6, 2007

an set amusing lies being told

d tonight on the webGav must have had a good evening at the bazaar. She rode the dirty white Gelding home with a look of victory on her face. (the "gelding" is an old oil spewing SUV)
She entered her apartment, victorious, and called Mark on her cell phone to tell Mark that she made $39.12 tonight.
She told Mark that she got a brand new tattoo from a guy who told her he was Merlin. Mark can't wait to see it.

Gav's gross. $39.12. Tattoo. $60.00.

Mark owes the tattooist $20.88.

Maybe Roger will float him a loan.

let me recount the lies for you
1 my wife was home all day
2 we own no white suv
3 no vechile of your leaks oil
4 my wife has no apartment
5 we have no cellphone (service is lousey up here)
6wife made no money tonight
7wife has no ttaoo let alone a new one
8 we know no one named merlin
9I would nt want to see if she gets a tat she will get a get aswell (get a jewish divorce)
10 mark owes nobody for a tatto

on and this osrt crap is written

travel plans for High Holydays and Peoria Hamfest

with the first of the high holyday coming right up against Peoria Hamfest this we have decided to attend the evnt and vist our old Temple in Decatur in the same trip, as advice to the tempted quite aprt form our being there the temple ALWAYS has cops on hand for Rosh hanshann and Yom Kippur services so trouble making consider yourself warned

friday we will atand the shabbat evening serivce either in deactur in Peoira, we mght attend Shabbat morning service in Peoria on sat Morning not certain at this writing (and likely uncertain till that morning) then attend the hamfest, and leaving to return that evening.

some folks folks claim this osrt of anouncement is reckless in some way. It hardly seems to be the case, after all none of the coawrds that like to harrass will even give a name, the oodd they would even show are long indeed, but if they do what are they going to do attack us at th convention center, in a public place LOL. Frankly I can wish my foes would be so foolish especail in a state with Hate crimes laws on the Books