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Thursday, September 6, 2007

travel plans for High Holydays and Peoria Hamfest

with the first of the high holyday coming right up against Peoria Hamfest this we have decided to attend the evnt and vist our old Temple in Decatur in the same trip, as advice to the tempted quite aprt form our being there the temple ALWAYS has cops on hand for Rosh hanshann and Yom Kippur services so trouble making consider yourself warned

friday we will atand the shabbat evening serivce either in deactur in Peoira, we mght attend Shabbat morning service in Peoria on sat Morning not certain at this writing (and likely uncertain till that morning) then attend the hamfest, and leaving to return that evening.

some folks folks claim this osrt of anouncement is reckless in some way. It hardly seems to be the case, after all none of the coawrds that like to harrass will even give a name, the oodd they would even show are long indeed, but if they do what are they going to do attack us at th convention center, in a public place LOL. Frankly I can wish my foes would be so foolish especail in a state with Hate crimes laws on the Books

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