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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

litteraly kosher spam enjoy the laugh

The amazing segulah (talisman) of chai roitel mashka has proven itself over and over again. Hundreds of people – singles searching for their bashert, the infertile yearning for a child, the sick hoping for a cure – have found salvation after they contributed chai roitel mashka at the burial place of Rabbi Shimon
bar Yichai on Lag Baomer, the day of his passing.

Chai Roitel Mashka is a specific amount of liquid (refreshing spring water, in our case) that is offered throughout the day to thousands of visitors who
flock to Miron. The segulah has been written about in various seforim. The Kedushas Zion, Rav Benzion Halberstam of Bobov, encouraged his constituents to give chai roitel, assuring them that they would benefit tremendously.

So many miraculous events have been ascribed to the chai roitel segulah. Contribute chai roitel mashka this lag baomer… Perhaps your miracle will be next!

Follow this link to see the Miron - Chai Rottel video: Click here

Donate Chai Rottel now click here.

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