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Thursday, December 20, 2007

dloyd is now faking (or reciving faked) death threat to post to is new sex blog

dloyd sex blog

the effor t show the terrible grip of biphobia that the man suffers from I truly wish he would seek help for his affliction

one of the few advantages I have in this asymetric envoimen is that I can establish a way of authencating or deny the forgeries dloyd can't bu t he somhow thinks I have some duty to do the impossible

the facts of the matter that I do not all Doyd lavies is suceding n doing is covincing me he Crow or a very close comrade of crow again dloyd shows himself up as afraud when he claims no one represents them seves as me

Indo isstill to put this sick person who make offer of ittle boys for sex behind bars where he belongs

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