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Monday, July 28, 2008

what a freaken waste of psoibly decent ham gear

had a heads up from VE7KFM (after all when so many folks insist he is my l;over I should at least talk to the man ;) the freq was clear as HF ever gets then suddenly after someone (ve7kfm ) called CQ the most powerfully QRM Came up s9 plus 20 to sometimes even 40 db I was grimly impressed

Id love to have such signal power at some point, perhaps I will some day

Karol id's the jammer as N1fm give the clarity with which I have heard n1fm in the past, I tend to believe it

now I heard K3VR id for once that is strange I don't recall ever hearing him ID himself before

BTW QRZ the freq was in use before you K3VR

was interesting to hear n1fm qrm k3vr at times

gee eharing someone tell Karol leave and you will not get hurt is sad lang to hear on the air

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