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Saturday, July 26, 2008

was lsitening to the zoo on .275 had a thought

wasn't the beef with (or a big part of it) K1MAN that he was promoting his groups (a very small one) website

over and over promoting the fake

pity RH never applied the same standard but good RH is gone

not sure if I was hearing N1FM or K3vr was entertaining

then to hear W4nti taking part in with another station is racist crap about Obamam well McCain will take their vote but realy Dan you should hang with better hams n1gjt is certainly more foul mouthed than I ever heard from Ve7kfm

BTW Dan truly you sounded like you were feeling ill you might check in with the VA for a check up

still all a sorry exhition of the Hams of the USA

PS haerd music I think so baddly modualted gee I thaink karol has called these clowns CB with licenses well I do some cb but I NEVER heard such awfull sounding signals I think you owe CBers an apology for comparing cro wo fn1fm to Cbers

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