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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

further updates of the recent events

just got back from the sheriff's office where I handed over aditoonal info that has come into my hands and recieve an update for the the sheriff himself as it happened ( one of the really nice things about living in a small county you get to to talk to the man at time never happens in the big cities

the call made to made to Houghton County came from William Lauterbach who sem to be wa8mea of Hanover I thank him and praise him for his efforts sadly however they were of course for naught since i was in no danger and sent no SOS or any other signal, given his location it would seem odd that he would hear me at all OTOH clearly he decided since it was possible he decided to make the call. since someone had priated my call for this transmission sadly he is now being investagated to insure he did not make a false police report . it is truly sad and no good deed goes unpunished, assuming as seems likely he is cleared I hope this sad affair does not disauade form trying to come to the aid of others that may be in need in the future

this being said i hope we can rouse the FCC from it topor and try to find and stop this sort of outrage from occouring again and punished to fullest extent of the law

he should knwo I thank him for his efforts and hope he can help and the authorites will investagte the matter

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