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Sunday, August 24, 2008

dan w4nti


you are certainly a worm Dan and franjly you dishonor all veterans and everyone with PTSD you threaten to lose it on Todd and blame it on your alleged pysd. thhat act is a the act of a laying dishonarable sacok shit that being Dan Jesswald w4nti

Dan/W4NTI said...
Emperor Palpatine said...

Let your hate flow, Dan. Feel the hate within you, and let it control your destiny! Soon you will give in to the dark side, and your transformation will be complete.

Mua Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

August 22, 2008 6:53 PM

I'm trying to leave you alone Toad, but what the hey, right?

Let me try and explain some things to you. This fasination you have with Star Wars is idiotic. IT's A MOVIE, this here is life.

Before I even attempt to educuate you on how PTSD works I'll give you the oppurtunity to search the Internet, find out for yourself abut the "dark side". But let me assure you of this; IT REALLY EXISTS.

One of the last things you want to do is screw with someone that has it. Take my word for that.

You see it all depends on how much control the Veteran has. You might catch them on a bad day. You wouldn't want that.

Now go do your research.


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