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Friday, December 5, 2008

strange things online recently

funist is trying to seel links to an alleged forcble comintment in 2004 of a mark Morgan by his father Charles W Morgan. Who Chrles W Morgan is a mystery to me, my father names William R morgan furthermore only in the case of a minor can parents petion for comentment in 2004 I would be 40 depending on the date hardly a minor

we are in the season where the guys insist that my pipes are frozen, and as a result we are defacating in the backyard. Funny if these clowns were realy concerns that would mean I am misteating my father and yet no report gets made ....strange or just normal for dweebs

this week the poster calling himself "uberjacker (and my merely mentioning the word bisexual justify a multi year jihad aginst me but I digress) has been questioning wther we are able to survive the minor strom we just had (indeed I saw worse ib Illinois) yea Thursdays was a bit rough and the wife and I decidded to stay home rather than run out and deal the monthly checks (we went today)

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