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Sunday, December 7, 2008

dan spend the eve of paerl harbou lying about a veteran of the US Armed forces

Also reading where that nutcase Mark has been sending out fake sos calls again and getting his own visits from cops or sheriffs or what have you. Couldn't happen to a nicer person. Got an email from Stan saying somebody discovered Mark had a little trip to the nut hatch back in 2004. Got the info from one of those freedom of information sites the government runs. Now theres a surprise huh?

hy do you belive the crap at Dan ? and then you repeat the slander

yes I have been visted and found to be sleeping whe it has been reported by other that I sending an SOS in cw no less Dan knows I can't use CW, but he freely repats the lie any?

why becuase he is sack of shit and disgrace to the ARS

of course nothing wil happene to me from call the Houghton couty about these SOS call I hope none of our cops get hurt as a result of trying to check them out in bad weather but again this is nt my fault oir within my control

but Houghton county can't enforce FCC violations after all so even if they BLEIVED I was sending fake sos cals and being dumb enough to sign my name to it, they can't do anything except check on my good health

OTOH publishing that and puting next to the claim I was comitted in 2004 well one claimis an obvious lie so is the other most likely. I suspect that the stalkers have turned up another Mark C Morgan since on Nimbusters they publish the names of those the asked for their minor son to comitted in 2004 Charles W Morgan and Jane Francis Morgan. first in 2004 IU 40 years plus or minus a year depending on the exact date, hardly a minor. Second my father as is well known is William R Morgan and My mothers is dead in 1994 according she (even if she was Jane Franis Morgan ) can't siugn a whole lot. irt falls short of abolsutle proof that I was not te guy involved but it is pretty close

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