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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

some notes on flamewars On air and the net

a few day agoI was being called insane for fightingthe defamation because some folks were ridculing me (like k3vr) funny thing is the same people are riculing me as weredoing so years when i was not fighting back, so what did Ilose by fighting?

likewise Karol VE7KFM could quit and let Crow win. what doesgain by ending thecombat from his end ? nothing I can see

Todd N9OGL could give up the ent and likely attacked and harrassed just as I was when i left thenet for most intents and purposes in 2000 till mid 2005. What didI gain nothing indeed I lost my home to fire and suffered great finacal losss

thus agin why should I quit and let the bastards win?

that would be a insane

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