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Saturday, March 7, 2009

hmm takes on LS: and LS takes on kz8o?

I am still waiting on LS to confirm the letter I still suspect some of the versions we have seen are slightly altered from her orignal

if the bulks of that note is her note an she is serious maybe we can hope for improvement in On air behavoir in the ARS, wether this will simply move the bad stuff will move to the net.

Internet rumours carry an alleged forward of LS is preparing to move against kz8o true or flase that is the rumour of course KZ8O is entitle to due process although frankly it looks bad if he is now in the crosshairs of the FCC

If her remarks about Karols lang is indeed hers I honestly disagree with her thinking that KFM could be cited here in the us although as a minor matter really

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