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other blog that exist to some specail topics are
Hf and the Kosher ham the techical blog the repeater project
VHF stuff and general stuff I may be working on

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 a further expansion of the online war of aka Crow k3vr

within a couple fo weeks of claiming to want some kind of "truce" an offer demanding abject surrender of the targets such myself and Todd as well Karol.

I feel a bit of respoibly although it is one what is a guy to do sorta thing inthat I may have accidently provoked the creation by taking steps to secure for myself lest I see he domain of my call used to attack me as karol has and now todd has

that risk of being accused of spam or running a spam blog i offer something I advise anyone that has been the target of and/or it apearant master k3vr
Reliable $1 Web Hosting by 3iX
they are who I host through and they do decent job job cheap yes you click thought that banner and buy I get some money toward paying for MY website but those likely to be targets of this sort of abuse I urge to go with them or to find someone else and get or .org some where ASAP

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