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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

lastest slander/libel from

I gather that K3vr is claiming on his website,, and elsewhere, that I hacked his email and created an account (or is it several that I am accused of?) at

I have done no such thing if K3vr has had his hacked I don't know about and of course I did not do I lack the skill after all never been into that sort of criminal actibitity

if someone has created an account at teranews using that email again I don't know about it I have only my one account there at tera it has been thratened harrassed and hacked by crow and members of his crew of follower over the years but I established the same account oh what 3-5 years ago (best 5 bucks I spent)

perhaps k3vr with his known tendecy to atack and harrass others has simply found one f his many foes has done to him as he has done to so many others

more likely though it is just crow claiming to be a victum so he can use the account for his evil puposes

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