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Friday, May 30, 2008

some email from the dust up

Todd I agree you have reason to be pissed at the island. In ahonstey I belive however you are throwing your fire at the wrong guy

thought this mess the Island has been an aupgrade that had problems and drew a lot of attention from moding and the island mods are not used to having to mod

N1LAF someone known to you me Karol and the wolrd as a ally of Brain Crow your foes and Mine drew you in to fight on the isalnd that was improper iIMO and I called him on it then you treid and blocked and not baned and the same Ham N1laf ally of your foe and mine K3VR used the misunderstanding to get you to attack the island.

I don't know his goal but IMO poured the gasoline on me and lit the match

I have never lied to you you knwo I hope you are a bit foolish but within your rights to be tweaking RH's nose as you do and we n\both know why and I think you are right to be psised at the FCC and RH personaly) In this case I am asking you to CONSIDER not backing down neither of us would ever do that but turning your guns on whome I belive the real perp is N1LAF acting in concert with K3VR

Yes I was asked to do something like this by one of the guys I have cced (guess which one) I am asked no Mike ordered me ttel you I refused this guys asked and I am doing it I doubt this note will be entirely to his likeling either
CONSIDER turn the gun where they IMO belong Crow and Co acept the admin has been roi\ough week online you were breaifly baned either by accident or maybe on eof the mods decided to play I don't know i itwas amistake of Mike a2something the admin or the interfeence of rouge mod on the Island that he is taking the blame for

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