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Saturday, March 22, 2008

wow and I thought was Ve7kfm the ham


UPDATED March 22, 2008:

Mark Morgan (KB9RQZ) is under fire again for telling lies. Morgan identifies himself as a bisexual Jewish amateur who is into bondage, domination, and sado-masochism. Sometime in November, 2007, Morgan accused several individuals of offering him a boy for the purposes of sexual gratification. Morgan reported these individuals to various agencies without the slightest bit of proof. All of Morgan's allegations proved to be completely unfounded.

Morgan is the President of the ARRL affiliated, CCRAA amateur radio club in Michigan's upper peninsula. Now, months later, Morgan has accused the Penn State University Amateur Radio Club (K3CR) of objecting to the truth being known about the child prostitution ring (which Morgan apparently invented out of whole cloth).

Morgan, who calls himself "an ally of Karol Madera" was previously banned from the world's most popular amateur radio website due to his practice of distributing malicious lies about others. However, Morgan's public embarassment and shunning has not persuaded him to stop lying.

Morgan also points the finger at non-existent amateur radio stations WA9FOX and KV3VR. To make matters worse, Morgan also indicates that the FCC's Riley Hollingsworth was satisfied with Morgan's explanation of his bizarre allegations. We are unable to reach Hollingsworth for comment at this time.

So far, Mark Morgan has defamed at least 5 different individuals, including the owner of a popular radio related web hosting service. Today, Morgan added others to his list. He has now falsely accused the Penn State University radio club, and implicated Riley Hollingsworth in his fabrications. The circle of lies appears to be growing ever larger. Morgan apparently fails to realize that promulgating falsehoods about others could lead to large civil suits, and should the false allegations be found to have been made maliciously, he could be held responsible for triple damages, plus court costs and attorney's fees.

In his blog, Morgan states he is the President of the ARRL affiliated CCRAA club, in Michigan's upper peninsula. He also used the same venue to announce his untrue allegations. How long Morgan will retain his office is anyone's guess, now that his lies have become public knowledge. It is conceivable that CCRAA could recall Morgan since they could also be sued regarding his statements, inasmuch as Morgan has now defamed individuals in conjunction with announcing his official relationship to the incorporated Michigan club.

The sad truth kernel of truth in this sage is this: Morgan insists that someone calling himself "Dloyd Llavies" is stalking him, but rather than gather facts and real evidence, Morgan foolishly and recklessly lashes out at anyone whom he suspects could be his online tormentor.

wow someone has been hiting the Whitelighting today at least that is simplest explantion for this latest internet fanatsy of the autrhor of widely believeved to be Brain Crowe k3vr and hosted wa8fox about the only thing ture being sttaing that I am the president of ccraa

I do with the rediculaous and silly sort of cyber atack on me would cease but it seems unlike in the near near furutre failing that I hope the idoits contiue there wild a ridiculaous ride hopefully right in the jail the Wa*fow seem to belong in the state of wisconsin

I oof course an entirely at your legal service indeed I would truly welcome getting som me the principles on record

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