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Thursday, April 3, 2008

an urgent Alert to my readers about the FCC and AB8MQ;JSESSIONID_APPSEARCH=y1TmH1QJN6w1c17LVWlTGRYnJLMqxwQTlhWV8NcYHrnsXNmnFmyb!651828249!-945573415?applID=4170507

is a link from the FCC about this mans license. he is claiming that after 6 month he has not been contacted by Riley and/or the FCC. If this is the case then a serious injustice is being done to this man (interesting the injustice would be done to someone that deal out deals out serious injustice to others) in any event the FCC needs to move on this matter one way or the other, I don't know ether RH is going back and forth with AB8MQ.

not sure what to do about this becuase IF for once Wismen is not lying he is cowering in his closet hoping RH will go away and if RH is not serving him some sort of notice then RH is IMO violating his rights. while this blogger is NO fan of RH I doubt this the case I do however suspect that RH maybe taking advantage of a weak target to bully into alowing his office to set a precident that can be used by the FCC as a weapon against any of the rest of us they choose

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