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Monday, July 30, 2007

another Vicory for as long as it lasts

is again of the net essentcaily it was accomapnied by the normal insults and deand balackmail over on demending I icsus the possibl e return of the blog he admits publicaly to stealing

I it said before I say again He can return the blog or not
he can choose to contain to demand I treat him with respsect or else or not
he can continue to stalk me or not
he can disapear back into the mists on the net or not

nothing he can do to alter his actions of the past
nothing he can do will alter the fact i will respond to him whatever forum by recounting his criminal deeds so as to see he is not trusted by anybody

Dloyd has been harasing most of this year and likely far longerunder other sock puppets and yet he does not learn thebasic and inflexible fact. I don't yeild to blackmail

"Never pay anyone Danegeld for you never get rid of the Dane"

you can't even try to resolve anything with this disgruntled asshole, so I am not going to try any further. If anyone wants the blogger domain,, email me at emailaddy and we can set a confidential transfer date/time. It will go to whomever requests if first, except the A-hole. Dloyd

is another plantive whine of Dloyd I am amazed at how he somehow thank after attacking and backmailing me for a last a 7 monthes straight he thinks I am going to repsond pleasently to ANOTHER try at blackmail

Mark, read very carefully FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! Its a done deal, I am not fucking with your insanity any longer...dloyd

I do hope for once he is telling the truth but I doubt

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