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Saturday, August 8, 2009

more of crows madness

evidence of what?
the facts that Todd made a heat of the moment remark.

NWSFLASH Crow the USSA does sned people to prison for haet of the moment remarks unless a whole lot more is going on and then only ifno crime fit the event

Brian has sent you a link to a blog:

Totally self incriminating. Wonderful. Copies going out from here to LE and others to let them see. Blog archived as evidence. Toad is toast, the filthy pedophile.

Blog: The Truth About VE7KFM.COM
Post: Let Me do a RECAP for those who have a LEARNING DISABILITY (F.B.I.)

PS I am realy tired of you spam it is unwanted and criminal in theory I read todd's you know I don't need your drivel email to me as well

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