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other blog that exist to some specail topics are
Hf and the Kosher ham the techical blog the repeater project
VHF stuff and general stuff I may be working on

Sunday, July 19, 2009

lstest ?message

gee what lesson was I suposed to learn?

that delores is asshole ?I knew that already

That The 275 mafia AKA Crow and company include delores? I knew that too

the online and on air attacks coming together well proove as if further proof was needed that Brain and his friendsneed a bullet , from my Point of view and 9 mm or legal action by the authorities either would do

The Bob has sent you a link to a blog:

Now that DeLorean has stopped his DDoS attack on your web site's host, maybe you will learn a lesson from what happened. I doubt it, though. LS must act.

Blog: accounts of the Kosher Ham
Post: hmm I major onair attack and major cyber attack

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