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VHF stuff and general stuff I may be working on

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

malice or se,lf defense

Mark Morgan Continues Malicious Spam Campaign

Despite being banned and/or ejected from every organization and forum we can think of, Mark Morgan (KB9RQZ) of River Road, Chassell, Michigan, continues to post malicious spam on radio forums, despite being asked to cease and desist. Karol Madera calls Morgan a good friend, while Morgan refers to Madera as his "ally." Approximately one year ago, Morgan made malicious and false reports to children's protective services against numerous individuals, at the urging of Karol Madera. Morgan was overwhelmingly voted out and ejected from the CCRAA radio club in Michigan by a margin of 11:1, earlier this year.

when did defending oneself become an act of Malice?

if one wants to stop my posting in self dense you need to stop attacking me and family

indeed if you want to mostly silence Karol the real VE7KFM stop harrassing constantly and he will mostly go away

likewise N9OGL

and W3DUB

and the list goes on

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