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Saturday, February 16, 2008

again since people don't seem to be listening

I get advised to ignore the evil doer attacking the result fo trying that stagy is burn out a shot dead dog assorted personal injury

gee I am not going down that road again

this time I am incovenecing some folks that want to pretend that this crap doesn't occour in america (although how a ham with a radio and anttena for 75 m could do so is beyond me)

i get accused of ignoring this ignore it crowd" it is just that I have heard and found it wanting before nothing new indeed the "advice" that I should ignore it is almost become "spam" in its own right

Jews were told to ignore the NAZI rethoric this will pass the late 1940's are a testament to the rsults of that logic

you donb't like my tactic s used in self defense fine neither do I but till I get some viewpoint that covers me my family and and works better I stay with what works becuase I am not backing down to a terrists

"Never again"

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