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Saturday, June 14, 2008

feeling better I think at least

well I am

I thought I had a minor case of the the flu a minor hemoriod flare up, and tht My diabetes was out slightly out of adjustment. (and it was all true too) not bad a set of symptoms not a great to see the doc about either, but this overlooked a tiny thing in my bladder a minor infection not enough literaly to notice roughly 2 weeks ago, but it treating the illness and igoreing the diabetets t(n that we would attention to later) we (my doc and I) decided to feed the one thing the unoticed infection needed to attack me refined filtered sugar, delivered right to the infection after a a bout a week of getting better on the other fronts the bladder infection tried to kill to me.

honestly not sure how close it came although I think NOW there was a only a bout 30hours that came at all close. it was hellish. No doubt my foes and detractors will saw it was a judgment from god, maybe it is was , what they will not say is clearly If I was judged I also passed acceptably.

Lessons have been learned and I am feeling better now still not back to my normal self but getting there

that at I hope explains dear readers where the Kosher ham has been

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