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Friday, November 23, 2007

still seking info on the possible case of Child abuse

the update is the someone is trying to fllood my know accounts to fill my inboxes

I have become abolsutelyconvinced that the Dloyd is Mr Bob Crow or is closely contected to him, or just maybe has done the nest job possibleof faking me out.

if it s the last it is a truly masterfull job, and should it come to that I will salute you

Iam convinced based on the nature of "Dloyd" coments that he has infact had a conversation with a 7 yo in which he mostlikely spouted his depraved fansaties about my sex life

I therefore suspect him of child abuse .

I believe with slighly less certainty that Dloyd is Bob Crow K3VR or ery closely conected with him that

That I had some doubts was included in my report, today if I were to speak them I would express even more convindence in that ID

in short I am uttteed convnce that Dloyd has deleiverd a proographic talk that he dares to try and call sex with stamenets "gay and bi are all childmolsters" or word that effect included

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