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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

meanwhile at CCARS

last night was the club meeting it being the time of year where by the club constitution we try to form a drgaoon squad in order to find offcers for the comeing year.

the president started out the even by asking me to serve as cheif dragoon (head of the nominating comitte I mean ) I delcined citing that I was inelgibe for the pos t given I intended to offer myself for nomination. it seems I will stand for either VP ( my prefered choice egtting me a bit more in th eyeys opf the membership ) or if pushed to it the president I prefer not to take charge as my style can be bit shocking and I frankly don't know who does what in the club realy (beyond Geoge w8FWG who is suffering he periodic burn out comon to everyone from time to time)

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