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Friday, November 9, 2007

more on me and Karol and D and the mice

the anymice seem to express the concern that Karol somehow set up the erecent contact ect for some prupose of his own

perhaps he did. perhaps not

but this ham is no longer worried much about the motives and desire of other pople (if I were Wismen would have driven me truly nuts trying to deal with him) if Karol was playing some game with me and got what he wanted I don't realy care, since I lost nothing of of value and Hell I may have gained omething in the baragin

is it more likely the D stried to set up a fight and is now trying to provoke more fighting, very likely, but that is for his feeble brain to work out and is NOT my problem.

I do wosh ythes e sef apointd defensers of morailty would stop breaking the morality they claim to defend , would mak e My like and most other people lives easier if they did

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