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Saturday, May 17, 2008

N1LAF insaity rides yet again

another post about laf

after acusing of crime for saying a lot of nuty things are said on the web he insist on lying about my statements conerning him

today accoridng to him anyone I corespond with is asxumed to me be my firends well that means K4yz is my friend as is am8mq and Riley Holingworth and Todd (n9ogl and ve7kfm and K3vr and W4nti as wel as CW bush General Powell Senator Mccian astronaut John Glen the people that we sold \a former residence to must be really close friends after all the letters i wrote them about not paying the contract on time indeed n1laf must be my firend by this rule


also he keep claiming I told who he could be freinds with that is an out and out lie. he is certainly alowed to be friendly with K3vr and w4nti, it means I well judge him by his tatstes in freinds jhowever

he wonders that I dislike him when he hiunded with pm at the island each trggering an email alert to me demdning I answer his questions about wether or not i authored somnething some where on the web

the man is a sad example for the sort the old coded culture produced aw3orld in which a profanity is awfull but death threats are ok, and heaven you beter not report a felow ham form sending a note offering a kid for sex for money unless of course you have decided he was "faggot" and therfore deserved it

the days of these dinosaurs is passing but alas not fast enough

i do hopew the ARS outlives these dinosaurs

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