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Monday, December 31, 2007

OTOH I would like to know why Dlloyd Lavies thinks he is entitled to use RRAP as a platfrom for harasing ME without my repling

Dloyd ofd cry of pain
my reponse to his question

it amazes and saddens me the Dloyd \avies contantly whine about his in abilty touse RRAP as aplatfrom for him and his socks/allies to harras me with endless streamsof thrash

indeed he claims often his killfilles solve his problem but they are unavailing to him

he has his attack blog using my call to promote them as well it apears my mywife and an number of otheer blog besides

he also press demand threats whining that I have not let him take and use RRAP as a weapon to perusue his personal vendetta against me

RRAP is a publice fprumm dloydUsenet and as the linked text shows and I repeat "Usenet users can post messages to newsgroups that can be read (and responded to) by anyone who has access to the system through a newsreader" and that anyone includes myself you and you allies have over the years and right to the present day sought to deny me access to this right by means forging my posting ids to your outragous lies and libel so my remark go along with your in kilfile acouple of years I decided this was not happening without a fight, I promised that I would see to it we were all made equal. you and your buddies including Dave Heil and Md the ham of a thousand callsign chose to make that all equaly unreadable. sadly that was your choice i would have rathered you choose something else

RRRAP can be repaired by simply choosing to tlak about radio and stop forgering other hams and stop posting mostly fabrication about their sex lives

and here again we see that I am indeed alwoed to post to the moded NG

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